tiistai, 28. helmikuu 2023

Koronavirus EI OLE "laboratoriosta"

Kusetuskampanjan sisältö on ollut, että korona-virusryhmän ikiaikaisia, laajalle jakautuneita ominaisuuksia esitetään muka "mahdollisiksi syntyä vain laboratorio-olosuhteissa"...

Aivopierun lähettivät liikkeelle kaksi NATO:n-Bilderbergin-WEF:n infosoturia, (vale-)AIDS-rototetutkijat britti Angus Dalgleish ja norjalainen Birger Sørensen

Molemmat nämä herrat tekivät muuten "Halosen-Rissalan-ihmepelastuksen" vuonna 2014 Ukrainan sotatoimialueen yläpuolella (jonne ei missään tapauksessa olisi saa-nut matkustajakoneella lentää!) alasammutun Malaysian Airlinesin MH17-matkusta-jakoneen matkasta, jossa oli menossa EU-maiden delegaatio Melbournen AIDS-rokote-maailmankonferenssiin.

Onnettomuudessa kuoli 6 EU:n johtavaa (parhaiten rahoitettua, paitsi Dalgleish ja Sørensen ja Pekka Sillanaukee, €100 mlj.) AIDS-rokotetutkijaa mukaan lukien alan maailmanjärjestön ja Melbornen konferenssin hollantilainen puheenjohtaja Joep Lange ja lisäksi parikymmentä heidän assistenttiaan, sihteeriään ja perheenjäsentään. Rokotetta ei ole vieläkään - ja tuskin koskaan tuleekaan.


" Tiede Lääketiede

Koronavirus lähti todennäköisesti liikkeelle laboratoriosta, USA:n energiaministeriö uskoo nyt – Tiedustelujärjestöt ovat erimielisiä asiasta



Koronaviruksen omikronmuunnos.



Risto Koivula
23.05.2021 09:55:33

Re: Pääministeri Marinkin myöntää koronapandemian olleen keinotekoinen

Lainaus: Teppolainen, 20.05.2021 15:57:34, 405340

Marinin mukaan korona johtuu ilmastonmuutoksesta, joka puolestaan johtuu ihmisestä:


Se vaan ei ole keinotekoinen, eikä Marinkaan tuossa sellaista väitä. Se ei myskään "johdu 1000-vuotisesta patriakaatista"...

YK:n (EU-pölkky)pääsihteeri Guterrez:

"Koronavirus on 1000-vuotisen PATRIARKAATIN SYYTÄ!!!"


" Daily Mail: генсек ООН возмутил соцсети, связав пандемию с «тысячелетием патриархата»

Оригинал новости ИноТВ:

Daily Mail: генсек ООН возмутил соцсети, связав пандемию с «тысячелетием патриархата»

Оригинал новости ИноТВ:

В интернете распространяются призывы лишить ООН финансирования. Пово-дом для недовольства стало заявление главы международной организации о том, что пандемия коронавируса — «демонстрация патриархата», пишет Daily Mail.

Internetissä leviää vaatimus alentaa YK:n rahoitusta. Tyytymättömyyden lähde on kansainvälisen organisaation johtajan tiedotus siitä, että koronsaviruspandemia oa "patriarkaatin demonstraatio", kirjoittaa Daily Mail.




24.05.2021 11:41:18

WSJ: Laboratoriossa joutui useita henkilöitä sairaalahoitoon COVID-19 taudin oireiden vuoksi ennen pandemian alkua

Yhdysvaltain mukaan useita henkilöitä sairastui Wuhanin viruslaboratoriossa mystisesti Covid19 taudin oireisiin ja joutui sairaalaan:


Myöskään Kiina ei suostu jutun mukaan avaamaan tietoja laboratoriossa tutkituista viruksista, jotta vaihtoehto laboratoriosta lähteneestä viruksesta voitaisiin poissulkea.

Se että tutkijoiden mukaan viruksen genomia ole tarkoituksellisesti muunneltu laboratoriossa, ei vielä tarkoita etteikö se olisi silti voinut olla lähtöisin laboratorio-olosuhteista.


Uusi tutkimus on julkaisemassa todisteita, joiden mukaan Covid olisi kiinalaisten tarkoituksella luoma virus, jonka jälkiä olisi peitelty muuntamalla virusta luonnollisemman oloiseksi:


" Coronavirus

Explosive study claims to prove Chinese scientists created COVID

British Professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen wrote they’ve had primary evidence 'of retro-engineering in China'

A bombshell new study claims to have proof that Chinese scientists created COVID- 19 in a lab and then tried to reverse-engineer versions of the virus to make it look like it evolved naturally from bats.

British Professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr.Birger Sørensen wrote they’ve had primary evidence "of retro-engineering in China" since last year,but were ignored by academics and major medical journals, The Daily Mail reported Saturday, citing the soon-to-be-published study.

The study concludes: "the likelihood of it being the result of natural processes is very small." The virus is still killing 12,000 people a day around the world.


Dalgleish is a London oncology professor known for breakthrough work on a vaccine for HIV. Sørensen is a virologist and chair of the pharmaceutical company Immunor, which developed a coronavirus vaccine candidate called Biovacc-19. Dalgleish also has a financial stake in that company.

It was during their COVID-19 vaccine research that the pair came across "unique fin-gerprints" indicating the virus didn’t come from nature, they said.  The telltale clue: a rare finding in the COVID-carrying virus of a row of four amino acids, which give off a positive charge and bond to negative human cells.


"The laws of physics mean that you cannot have four positively charged amino acids in a row," Dalgleish told the Daily Mail. "The only way you can get this is if you artificially manufacture it."

They also tracked published Chinese research, some done working with American universities, to show how the tools to create the virus were allegedly built. A good part of the work reviewed involved "gain of function" research, which involves mani-pulating natural viruses in a lab to make them more infectious, allowing scientists to study their potential effect on humans.

The U.S. put a moratorium on such research in 2014. But it’s impossible to know if $600,000 funding for medical research in China was used for gain of function research, Dr. Anthony Fauci told Congress last week. "

[RJK: Absolute bullshit!]

Viruksen varjolla kiinalaiset onnistuivat kiristämään totalitarismia omassa maassaan ja edistämään totalitarismia myös ulkomailla, jopa Suomessa, samalla kun heikentävät kilpailijamaitaan taloudellisesti.

On yhä selvempää, että Marinin hysteerinen koronastrategia on ollut täysin virheelli-nen - ja ulkomailta johdetulle Marinille tarpeeton totalitarismin lisääminen ei selvästi-kään ole tuottanut omantunnon tuskia. Marin ei ole edes yrittänyt edistää painostus-toimia Kiinaa vastaan, jotta viruksen alkuperä olisi saatu tyrehdytettyä. Edes sitä Marin ei ole tehokkaasti pyrkinyt estämään, että virusta tulisi Suomeen kolmansien maiden kautta. Sen sijaan Marin keskittyy rajoittamaan mielenosoitusoikeutta ja kokoontumisvapautta, ikään kuin se olisi ollut tehokkain mahdollinen keino viruksen leviämisen ehkäisemisessä.


30.05.2021 14:38:32

Pääministeri Marinin koronahysteria on yhä naurunalaisempi ajautuessaan kompukseen Kiinan kanssa

Lainaus: PeP, 30.05.2021 14:15:29, 405404

Lainaus: Teppolainen, 30.05.2021 11:34:17, 405400

On yhä selvempää, että Marinin hysteerinen koronastrategia on ollut täysin virheellinen - ja ulkomailta johdetulle Marinille tarpeeton totalitarismin lisääminen ei selvästikään ole tuottanut omantunnon tuskia.

On yhä selvempää,että Suomen hallitus oli valinnut aivan oikean linjan koronan vas- tatoimissa. Hallitus kuunteli asiantuntijoita syyllistymättä ylilyönteihin ja kykeni nou-dattamaan tehokasta strategiaa koronan torjunnassa. Joistain virheistä huolimatta sekä sairastuvuus, että koronakuolleisuus ovat olleet Suomessa Euroopan alhaisim-pia. Samaan aikaan talouden notkahdus on ollut useita Euroopan maita pienempi. Hallitukselle voi antaa koronan hoitamisessa hyvän arvosanan kaikenkarvaisten salaliittoteoreetikkojen huuhailusta huolimatta.

Teppolainen: "Nämä mainitsemasi asiat tapahtuivat totalitaristi Marinin hallituksesta huolimatta, ei hysteerisen koronastrategian ansiosta.

On yhä selvempää, että Marinin kaltaisia hyypiöitä ajavat täysin muut asiat kuin ih-misten hyvinvointi, kokoontumisenvapaus, sananvapaus ja muut yleisesti arvostetut asiat."


Risto Koivula
30.05.2021 15:30:15

Tavallisia koronavirusryhmän ominaisuuksia esitetään "mahdottomina muualla paitsi laboratoriossa"

Lainaus: Teppolainen, 30.05.2021 11:34:17, 405400

" Uusi tutkimus on julkaisemassa todisteita, joiden mukaan Covid olisi kiinalaisten tarkoituksella luoma virus, jonka jälkiä olisi peitelty muuntamalla virusta luonnollisemman oloiseksi:


Viruksen varjolla kiinalaiset onnistuivat kiristämään totalitarismia omassa maassaan ja edistämään totalitarismia myös ulkomailla, jopa Suomessa, samalla kun heikentävät kilpailijamaitaan taloudellisesti.

On yhä selvempää, että Marinin hysteerinen koronastrategia on ollut täysin virheelli-nen - ja ulkomailta johdetulle Marinille tarpeeton totalitarismin lisääminen ei selvästi-kään ole tuottanut omantunnon tuskia. Marin ei ole edes yrittänyt edistää painostus-toimia Kiinaa vastaan, jotta viruksen alkuperä olisi saatu tyrehdytettyä. Edes sitä Marin ei ole tehokkaasti pyrkinyt estämään, että virusta tulisi Suomeen kolmansien maiden kautta. Sen sijaan Marin keskittyy rajoittamaan mielenosoitusoikeutta ja kokoontumisvapautta, ikään kuin se olisi ollut tehokkain mahdollinen keino viruksen leviämisen ehkäisemisessä. "

Nuo tiedot ovat humpuukia, samoin nämä:


Explosive study claims to prove Chinese scientists created COVID

By Eileen AJ Connelly

May 29, 2021

A bombshell new study claims to have proof that Chinese scientists created COVID- 19 in a lab and then tried to reverse-engineer versions of the virus to make it look like it evolved naturally from bats.

British professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen wrote they’ve had primary evidence “of retro-engineering in China” since last year, but were ignored by academics and major medical journals, the Daily Mail reported Saturday, citing the soon-to-be-published study.

The study concludes: “the likelihood of it being the result of natural processes is very small.” The virus is still killing 12,000 people a day around the world.

Dalgleish is a London oncology professor known for breakthrough work on a vaccine for HIV. Sørensen is a virologist and chair of a pharmaceutical company, Immunor, which developed a coronavirus vaccine candidate called Biovacc-19. Dalgleish also has a financial stake in that company.

It was during their COVID-19 vaccine research that the pair came across “unique fin-gerprints” indicating the virus didn’t come from nature, they said. The telltale clue: a rare finding in the COVID-carrying virus of a row of four amino acids, which give off a positive charge and bond to negative human cells.

Some scientists believe the virus could have emanated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.AFP via Getty Images

“The laws of physics mean that you cannot have four positively charged amino acids in a row,” Dalgleish told the Daily Mail. “The only way you can get this is if you artificially manufacture it.”

They also tracked published Chinese research, some done working with American universities,to show how the tools to create the virus were allegedly built.A good part of the work reviewed involved “gain of function” research, which involves manipula-ting natural viruses in a lab to make them more infectious,allowing scientists to study their potential effect on humans.

The US put a moratorium on such research in 2014. But it’s impossible to know if $600,000 in funding for medical research in China was used for gain of function research, Dr. Anthony Fauci told Congress last week.


British professor Angus Dalgleish (pictured) and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen claim to have proof COVID was created in a lab.

Chris Radburn/PA Wire/ZUMAPRESS.com

“A natural virus pandemic would be expected to mutate gradually and become more infectious but less pathogenic, which is what many expected with the COVID-19 pandemic but which does not appear to have happened,” the scientists wrote.

The scientists could not immediately be reached by The Post for comment.

News of the study comes amid renewed interest in COVID-19’s origins, which had long been proclaimed to have made the jump from bats to humans at a wet market in China. "


Marco Rubio Grills Fauci On Past Statements Of COVID-19 Origin
Sen. Rubio Grills Fauci: "Why Did You Dismiss The Lab-Leak Theory?"




Oikeat tiedot löytyvät täältä:


" Stem Cell Research

Volume 50, January 2021, 102115

Furin cleavage sites naturally occur in coronaviruses

Author links open overlay panel Yiran Wu a, Suwen Zhao b:


Under a Creative Commons license


• Phylogenetic tree of spike proteins reveals major groups of coronaviruses.

• Furin cleavage sites at spike S1/S2 are common in coronaviruses.

• Furin cleavage sites at spike S1/S2 naturally occurred independently for multiple times in coronaviruses.


The spike protein is a focused target of COVID-19, a pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2. A 12-nt insertion at S1/S2 in the spike coding sequence yields a furin clea-vage site, which raised controversy views on origin of the virus. Here we analyzed the phylogenetic relationships of coronavirus spike proteins and mapped furin recog-nition motif on the tree. Furin cleavage sites occurred independently for multiple times in the evolution of the coronavirus family, supporting the natural occurring hypothesis of SARS-CoV-2.


1. Introduction

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2,is still rapidly spreading. Scientists all around the world are studying the infec- tion process of the virus and looking for therapeutic solutions to prevent and cure the disease. Spike protein is one of most important targets in COVID-19 research, not only in mechanism study but also in vaccine development and therapeutic antibody design (Premkumar et al., 2020, Abraham, 2020). The spike protein forms a homo-trimer (Fig. 1A) and protrudes outside the membrane of the virion (Li, 2016, Wrapp et al., 2020, Walls et al., 2020). It binds to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) on human cell surface, undergoes conformational changes, and mediates the fusion of the virion to human cells (Li et al., 2003, Yan et al., 2020, Lan et al., 2020, Wang et al., 2020, Benton et al., 2020).


Fig. 1. Structure of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (PDB ID: 6VYB (Walls et al., 2020). A) Spike homotrimer in open conformation. B) Cleavage sites on spike protein (marked by arrows). Red cartoon, S1; light/dark blue cartoon, S2; dark blue cartoon, S2′). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

The spike protein consists of two subunits: the N-terminal S1 subunit, containing the receptor binding domain that interacts with ACE2 and induces conformational change; while the C-terminal S2 subunit,containing the fusion peptide that is respon- sible for fusing the membranes of virion and human cells (Li, 2016). To function pro-perly, the spike protein needs to be cleaved by host proteases to separate the two subunits (Simmons et al., 2013). Study of SARS-CoV (caused the severe acute res-piratory syndrome in 2002-2003 and belonged to the same species as SARS-CoV-2) showed that cleavage at S1/S2 enhances fusogenicity of spike protein (Bosch et al., 2003). Another cleavage site producing S2′ (fusion peptide and the C-terminal region of S2) was also identified (Fig.1B) (Belouzard et al.,2009).The S2′ site is not far from the S1/S2 site, and cleavage either or both them can yield the separation of two sub-units of spike.For coronaviruses,multiple proteases were reported responsible for the cleavage, including TMPRSS2 (Hoffmann et al.,2020, Glowacka et al.,2011); cathep- sin CTSL (Bosch et al., 2008, Ou et al., 2020), and trypsin (Belouzard et al., 2009, Bertram et al., 2011).

The spike protein of the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) was discovered to be more effectively cleaved by another protease, furin (Millet and Whittaker, 2014). In MERS-CoV,both S1/S2 and S2′ sites have sequence RXXR, the furin recognition motif. In human body, furin is ubiquitously expressed (Braun and Sauter, 2019). This may explain the highly lethal nature and high rate of multiple system failure caused by MERS (Millet and Whittaker, 2014).

Surprisingly, SARS-CoV-2 has the furin recognition motif at S1/S2, causing by a 12-nucleotide insertion not presented even in its closest relatives (Walls et al., 2020, Coutard et al., 2020). This stimulates a conspiracy that this furin site can only be ma-nual work, thus SARS-CoV-2 must be created in a laboratory. Here, we analyzed the sequences of coronaviruses and found furin sites occurred independently for mul-tiple times during evolution. This exhibits natural occurrence of furin cleavage site in SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is highly possible. Thus, the insertion of furin cleavage site into SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is not necessarily a result of manual work.

2. Results

2.1. Phylogenetic tree of spike protein sequences reveals major groups of coronaviruses

Coronaviruses are members of the subfamily Orthocoronavinae (also named Coro-navinae) in the family Coronavidae. There are four genera: Alphacoronavirus, Beta-coronavirus, Gammacoronavirus, and Deltacoronavirus. The first two genera only in-fect mammals, while the last two primarily infect birds but also mammals (Cui et al., 2019). We collected sequences of coronavirus spike proteins from the InterPro data-base (Mitchell et al., 2019) and performed phylogenetic analysis. The phylogenetic tree (Fig. 2A) generally matches reported relationship of coronaviruses (Cui et al., 2019): three genera (Betacoronavirus; Gammacoronavirus, and Deltacoronavirus) each forms a single clade,while only Alphacoronavirus has a small group left outside (see Fig. 5 for representative sequences). The left-out Alphacoronavirus group con-tains Rhinolophus bat coronavirus HKU2 that was reported to be closely related to two typical Alphacoronavirus, human coronavirus NL63 and human coronavirus 229E, in a phylogenetic analysis based on the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase coding region (Cui et al., 2019). We aligned the whole genomes of the three viruses and found Rhinolophus bat coronavirus HKU2 is quite unique in its spike protein-coding region (Fig. S1). Such result explains why this clade was separated from other Alphacoronavirus in our phylogenetic analysis.


Fig. 2. Phylogenetic tree of coronavirus spike protein sequences. A) Noting genera of coronavirus. B) Subtree of Betacoronavirus, noting subgenera.

Furthermore, the five subgenera of Betacoronavirus were nicely displayed as mono-phyletic (Fig. 2B): Sarbecovirus (e.g. SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV), Merbecovirus (e.g. MERS-CoV), Embecovirus (e.g. human coronavirus OC43 and human corona-virus HKU1, both causing common cold), and two small subgenera Hibecovirus and Nobecovirus. Hibecovirus and Nobecovirus are only discovered in bats so far, and our phylogenetic analysis shows they are related to Sarbecovirus.

2.2. Furin cleavage site at spike S1/S2 also occurs in a virus close to Sarbecovirus

We mapped the furin recognition motif RXXR at both S1/S2 and S2′ positions in phy-logenetic trees of spike protein sequences (Fig. 3, Fig. 4, Fig. 5 and S2, S3). In the Sarbecovirus + Hibecovirus + Nobecovirus clade (Fig. 3), furin cleavage sites at either position occur only in limited ranges. Strains of SARS-CoV-2 (we also added sequences from the GISAID database) have furin cleavage sites at spike S1/S2.

Moreover, SARS-CoV-2 is the only virus in subgenus Sarbecovirus having this feature, while even its closest relatives, bat coronavirus RaTG13 (sequence identity 97.7%) and pangolin coronaviruses (92.9%–90.7%), do not have furin site. However, in Hibecovirus, the sister clade of Sarbecovirus, a Hipposideros bat coronavirus col-lected in 2013 at Zhejiang Province in China has furin site at S1/S2. Interestingly, the other member in Hibecovirus lacks such site, similar to the situation of SARS-CoV-2 and its close relatives. The SARS-CoV-2 strains and Hipposideros bat coronavirus (Zhejiang 2013) are not sister groups, in agreement with the distinct sequence pat-terns of their furin cleavage sites at spike S1/S2 (Fig. 6A). Besides, two strains of bat coronavirus HKU9, belonging to Nobecovirus, are the only members in the Sarbeco-virus + Hibecovirus + Nobecovirus clade having furin cleavage site at spike S2′. ..."


Fig. 3. Mapping of furin recognition motif on phylogenetic tree of spike protein sequences, the Sarbecovirus + Hibecovirus + Nobecovirus clade. Sequences in the SARS-CoV-2 clade were clustered with 95% identity threshold; in the SARS-CoV-2 clade were clustered with 99% identity threshold.

Kuvasta ilmenee, että kyseinen "Furin cleavage sites -naula" tai "-piikki" esiintyy riippumattomasti coronavirusten evoluutiossa ja lisäksi ERI PAIKOISSA eri viruksilla. Kaikilla noilla viruksilla ei ole tekemistä ihmisen kanssa, joskin tuo ryhmä vaikuttaa olevan ihmiselle vaarallinen tarttuvuuden edistäjänä.

... Furin cleavage sites naturally occur in coronaviruses


Fig. 5. Mapping of furin recognition motif on phylogenetic tree of spike protein sequences, the Alphacoronavirus + Gammacoronavirus + Deltacoronavirus clade. Sequences clustered with 95% identity threshold.

Vastaava kartoitus Alphacoronavirus + Gammacoronavirus + Deltacoronavirus -tyypeillä.

" ... 2.2. Furin cleavage site at spike S1/S2 also occurs in a virus close to Sarbecovirus

We mapped the furin recognition motif RXXR at both S1/S2 and S2′ positions in phylogenetic trees of spike protein sequences (Fig. 3, Fig. 4, Fig. 5 and S2, S3). In the Sarbecovirus + Hibecovirus + Nobecovirus clade (Fig. 3), furin cleavage sites at either position occur only in limited ranges. Strains of SARS-CoV-2 (we also added sequences from the GISAID database) have furin cleavage sites at spike S1/S2.

Moreover, SARS-CoV-2 is the only virus in subgenus Sarbecovirus having this feature, while even its closest relatives, bat coronavirus RaTG13 (sequence identity 97.7%) and pangolin coronaviruses (92.9%–90.7%), do not have furin site. However, in Hibecovirus, the sister clade of Sarbecovirus, a Hipposideros bat coronavirus col-lected in 2013 at Zhejiang Province in China has furin site at S1/S2. Interestingly, the other member in Hibecovirus lacks such site, similar to the situation of SARS-CoV-2 and its close relatives. The SARS-CoV-2 strains and Hipposideros bat coronavirus (Zhejiang 2013) are not sister groups, in agreement with the distinct sequence pat-terns of their furin cleavage sites at spike S1/S2 (Fig. 6A). Besides, two strains of bat coronavirus HKU9, belonging to Nobecovirus, are the only members in the Sarbeco-virus + Hibecovirus + Nobecovirus clade having furin cleavage site at spike S2′.

2.3. Furin cleavage sites are common in Betacoronavirus

Our mapping results showed that the furin recognition motif is more common in Merbecovirus and Embecovirus (Figs. 4 and S2, S3). In Merbecovirus, furin sites at spike S1/S2 occur in three clades: MERS-CoV strains, the bat coronavirus HKU5 strains, and coronavirus Neoromicia/PML-PHE1/RSA/2011 with its relatives (Figs. 4A and S2). Besides, MERS-CoV and bat coronavirus HKU5 are the only clades in Merbecovirus having furin cleavage site at S2′.

In Embecovirus, furin recognition motif at spike S1/S2 is universal: All strains but a few exceptions have furin cleavage sites at spike S1/S2 (Figs. 4B and S3). Interes-tingly, the Longquan Aa mouse coronavirus (Wang et al., 2015) loses this furin site, while its close relatives (e.g. China Rattus coronavirus HKU24, sequence identity 96.0%) maintains the furin cleavage site. This provides an example of naturally oc-curred sequence variation at spike S1/S2 among closely related coronaviruses. Be-sides, for spike S2′, only several single strains have furin recognition motif (Fig. S3).

2.4. Furin cleavage sites also occur in other genera of coronavirus

Our mapping results showed furin cleavage sites are widely present in the whole co-ronavirus family (Fig. 5). For spike S1/S2, furin recognition motif is universal in Gam-macoronavirus, and also occurs in two clades of Alphacorovanvirus: feline coronavi-rus and relatives, and Chevrier's field mouse coronavirus. For spike S2′, furin recog-nition motif occurs in several independent clades, covering all the three genera. Notably, in the two human coronaviruses in Alphacoronavirus causing common cold, HCoV NL63 has furin cleavage site at spike S2′, while the HCoV 229E (protein sequence identity 63.8%) lacks such feature.



Fig. 6. Positions of furin cleavage sites at the linking region of S1 and S2. A) Multiple sequence alignment of representative Betacoronavirus spike protein S1/S2 region, with furin recognition motifs highlighted (red colorboxes in sequence alignment). Phylogenetic tree of spike protein se-quences is colored to indicate subgenera (coloring scheme the same as in Fig. 2B). B) Positions of furin cleavage sites in different coronavirus genera (red cartoon, furin recognition motif; red arrow, cleavage site); structures: SARS-CoV-2, PDB ID 6VYB (Walls et al., 2020), with missing loop added; feline coronavirus (FCoV) UU16, homology model based on PDB ID 5SZS (Walls et al., 2016); infectious bronchitis coronavirus (IBV), PDB ID 6CV0 (Shang et al., 2018). (For inter-pretation of the references to colour in this figure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

2.5. Furin cleavages sites occurred independently for six times in Betacoronavirus

The alignment of linking regions of spike S1 and S2 domains in representative Betacoronavirus (Fig. 6A) shows this region is less conserved than the neighboring folded S1 and S2 segments. Within a subgenus the sequences are well aligned, but among subgenera the similarity is low. The furin cleavage site of SARS-CoV-2 spike S1/S2 is formed by a insertion of PRRA in comparison to other Sarbecovirus inclu-ding close relative RaTG13, showing it occurred very recently and independently. Si-milarly, Hipposideros bat coronavirus (Zhejiang 2013) in Hibecovirus has furin site of independent origin, though the occurring time is hard to decide for in this subgenera only two sequences were published.

Merbecovirus and Embecovirus both have multiple coronavirus species with furin cleavage sites at spike S1/S2, but their situations are different: In Merbecovirus, furin cleavage sites prevail in three non-sister clades (Figs. 4A and 6A). Moreover, the positions of furin recognition motifs in the linking regions are unique to each clade, as exhibited in alignments of both protein sequences (Fig. 6A) and nucleotide sequences (Fig. S4A). These indicated for of the three clades in Merbecovirus, furin cleavage sites have an independent origin. In Embecovirus, to the contrast, all the furin cleavage sites are variations based on a 5-residue region with consensus se-quence RRXRR. The region is well aligned in both protein and nucleotide sequences (Figs. 6A and S4B). This suggested the furin cleavage sites of Embecovirus share a common ancestor.

In addition, in Alphacoronavirus and Gammacoronavirus, S1/S2 cleavage sites re-side at a different loop comparing to the site in Betacoronavirus (Fig. 6B), therefore furin cleavage sites at spike S1/S2 in these two genera occurred independently from those in Betacoronavirus in evolution.

3. Discussion

Furin cleavage is critical to many viral diseases, including HIV, Ebola, and influenza H5 and H7 (Becker et al.,2012).Furin is a ubiquitously expressed protease.In human body, it has a wider distribution range than the major protease responsible for clea-ving spike, TMPRSS2 (Fig. S5). Therefore, coronaviruses with spike containing furin cleavage site may have advantage in spreading. Deletions of furin cleavage site in SARS-CoV-2 attenuates replication on respiratory cells (Johnson et al., 2020) and pathogenesis in hamster (Johnson et al.,2020, Lau et al., 2020). Furin inhibitors sup- press virus production and cytopathic effects in kidney cells (Cheng et al., 2020).

Natural polymorphisms losing furin recognition motif in SARS-CoV-2 spike S1/S2 are observed, but very rare (Xing et al.,2020). Variations in this region are more common in viruses cultured in vitro than viruses isolated from clinical samples, suggesting this cleavage site is under selection pressure in human body (Lau et al., 2020, Liu et al., 2020).

Our analysis exhibits furin cleavage sites at spike S1/S2 occurred independently for several times in coronavirus. Consequently, natural occurring of the site in SARS-CoV-2 is highly possible. This is further supported by other observed natural variations at the linking region of S1 and S2: A natural insertion in SARS-CoV spike though not related to furin recognition motif was reported (Zhou et al., 2020). In Embecovirus; Longquan Aa mouse coronavirus (Wang et al., 2015) has a frameshift mutation led to the loss of furin recognition motif (Fig. S4B); Some strains of murine coronavirus lose furin recognition motif through substitution mutations (Fig. S3), e.g. in MHV-2 (Yamada et al., 1997). Further study of losing the furin cleavage site in Embecovirus would help to interpret the S1/S2 cleavage of Betacoronaviruses.

Besides, independent occurrences of furin cleavage sites in surface glycoproteins are not unique to coronavirus: for the hemagglutinin of influenza, only H5 and H7 have furin cleavage sites (Bottcher-Friebertshauser et al., 2013); and these subtypes are distant in phylogenetic tree (Fig. S6). "


Risto Koivula
01.06.2021 09:53:48


Pääministeri Marinin koronahysteria on yhä naurunalaisempi ajautuessaan kompukseen Kiinan kanssa

Lainaus: Teppolainen, 31.05.2021 12:49:05, 405416
Lainaus: PeP, 30.05.2021 14:15:29, 405404
Lainaus: Teppolainen, 30.05.2021 11:34:17, 405400

T: On yhä selvempää, että Marinin hysteerinen koronastrategia on ollut täysin virheellinen - ja ulkomailta johdetulle Marinille tarpeeton totalitarismin lisääminen ei selvästikään ole tuottanut omantunnon tuskia.

P: On yhä selvempää, että Suomen hallitus oli valinnut aivan oikean linjan koronan vastatoimissa. Hallitus kuunteli asiantuntijoita syyllistymättä ylilyönteihin ja kykeni noudattamaan tehokasta strategiaa koronan torjunnassa. Joistain virheistä huolimat-ta sekä sairastuvuus, että koronakuolleisuus ovat olleet Suomessa Euroopan alhai-simpia. Samaan aikaan talouden notkahdus on ollut useita Euroopan maita pienem-pi. Hallitukselle voi antaa koronan hoitamisessa hyvän arvosanan kaikenkarvaisten salaliittoteoreetikkojen huuhailusta huolimatta.

T: Kyse ei ole siitä etteikö myös jonkinlaisia rajoituksia olisi tarvittu, mutta rajoitusten priorisoiminen ja toteutustapa muutoinkin on sellainen, jolla ei ole mitään tekemistä koronaviruksen leviämisen kanssa, mutta sitäkin enemmän tekemistä totalitarismin ja kansalaisten kyykyttämisen kanssa.

Jokaiselle tulee elävässä elämässä vastaan tilanteita, jossa rajoitukset on toteutettu äärimmäisellä epäjohdonmukaisuudella;yhtä asiaa yhteiskunnallisesti rajoitetaan sa- malla kun jotain verrattain turhaa ja taloudellisesti vähän tuottavaa asiaa ei rajoiteta lainkaan, vaikka vaikutukset olisivat koronaviruksen leviämisessä samat.

Monelle tulee myös elävässä elämässä vastaan tilanteita, joissa ei millään tavoin edes perustoimeentulon tasoisesti kompensoida tilanteen aiheuttamia äärimmäisiä ongelmia samalla kun toimeentulotukea syydetään vapautuneesti niille joilla ei en-nestäänkään ole ollut mitään menetettävää eli rehelliset työtä tekevät kansalaiset lai-tetaan näkemään nälkää (vaikka ei olisi edes tosiasiallisesti omaa myytävää omai-suutta) samalla kun katuojassa makaaville juopoille syötetään entistä enemmän seteleitä pullasorsien tavoin.

Samaan aikaan perusoikeuksien ytimeen kuuluvia asioita rajoitetaan ilman omantunnontuskia samalla kun lasketaan punainen matto ulkomailta saapuvien tuontiviruslevittäjien eteen.

Tämä kaikki kertoo siitä, että on todella työskennelty olan takaa sen eteen, että totalitarismin edistämiselle löydettäisiin tekosyitä koronaviruksen varjolla.

RK: Mitä se "totilateralismi" on?

Paikkansa pitävää kiinalaista tiedettä?


Risto Koivula
01.06.2021 22:41:30

Re: Tavallisia koronavirusryhmän ominaisuuksia esitetään "mahdottomina muualla paitsi laboratoriossa"


China blasts probe into COVID origin; warns US ‘could meet its Waterloo’

Tuesday, 01 June 2021 3:38 PM 


Security personnel stand guard outside the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan as members of the World Health Organization team investigating the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic visit the institute in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province February 3, 2021. (Photo by AFP)

China has lambasted a newly-announced probe by the administration of US President Joe Biden whether the deadly coronavirus escaped from a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan, warning that Washington “could meet its Waterloo in this battle.”

China's Global Times daily made the warning in an article published on Sunday and said the Biden administration was taking a “dangerous stance” by calling for a full investigation into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden ordered US intelligence officials last week to “redouble” their efforts to investigate the pandemic's beginnings and determine whether it came from a lab accident in Wuhan or emerged from human contact with an infected animal.

He directed US national laboratories to assist with the investigation and the intelligence community to prepare a list of specific queries for the Chinese government.

Biden called on US intelligence agencies to report back within 90 days.


US senators seek probe into COVID-19 origins, accuse China of ‘cover-up’

The US Senate has passed a resolution calling for a probe into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic and senators accused Beijing of “cover-up”.

    The Chinese paper said the investigation by US intelligence officials was entirely political and predicted that the team would likely “produce a slanderous report that is in line with the US' anti-China campaign.”

The state-owned newspaper called the US government “full of arrogance” for disres-pecting a previous report issued by an expert group of the World Health Organiza-tion (WHO), which conclude after its mission to Wuhan in late January that the coro-navirus outbreak was not likely to have been caused by a leak from the lab in the Chinese city, and that the virus was most probably transmitted to humans from bats via an intermediary animal.

“Washington is too arrogant to realize that its vicious accusations against China have become a political gamble for itself,” the article added. “The US could meet its Waterloo in this battle” by abusing its soft power to an extent that it would lose all credibility.

Virus likely jumped to humans from bats through 'missing link' animal: WHO report


Virus likely jumped to humans from bats through 'missing link' animal: WHO report

An international expert mission to Wuhan says it was very likely that COVID-19 first passed to humans from a bat through an intermediary animal.

The Chinese paper compared the virus probe with US efforts to find Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in Iraq and also stressed that the US had placed itself in a “dangerous status.”

The article pointed out that Washington was totally wrong on the issue of WMD in the early 2000s and the invasion of Iraq on that pretext, insisting that US leaders “have lost their credibility at the very beginning of this race.”

    “It will be difficult for the US to do what it did 18 years ago when Washington fabricated evidence of Iraq possessing WMDs to fool the international community,” the Chinese daily said.

“So far,the US intelligence agencies can ask only the US media to help spread those rumors anonymously because they do not have any real proof that can be shared with the whole world. This traditional strategy of a frame-up is powerless in today's environment.”

Meanwhile, Zhao Lijian,a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, said last week that Biden was not interested in “serious” scientific origin tracing and did not care about “facts or truth.”

Zhao also called on Washington to open up its own labs for investigation.

Biden ‘does not care about facts and truth’ about coronavirus: China

US President Joe Biden is playing politics by calling for an investigation into the origins of the coronavirus, the Chinese government has said.

The theory that the contagion had leaked from the Chinese lab was originally hyped up by, among others, the administration of former US president Donald Trump as part of his hawkish anti-China policies.

Since infecting its first victims in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019, the pandemic has spread to nearly every country across the globe, killing more than 3.4 million people so far.

China also called on the US to give a full clarification on its bio-military activities at home and abroad, a matter of concern shared by Russia and others. "

WHO on se, joka alkuperän mahdollisen epäilyttävyyden selvittää tieteellisin perustein.


" WHO says virus 'natural in origin', and 'will be with us for a long time'

Monday, 04 May 2020 10:43 PM 


The World Health Organization said Monday that Washington had provided no evidence to support "speculative" claims by the US president that the new coronavirus originated in a Chinese lab.

"We have not received any data or specific evidence from the United States government relating to the purported origin of the virus -- so from our perspective, this remains speculative," WHO emergencies director Michael Ryan told a virtual briefing.

Scientists believe the killer virus jumped from animals to humans, emerging in China late last year, possibly from a market in Wuhan selling exotic animals for meat.

But US President Donald Trump, increasingly critical of China's management of the first outbreak, claims to have proof it started in a Wuhan laboratory.

And US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday said "enormous evidence" backed up that claim, which China has vehemently denied.

"Like any evidence-based organization, we would be very willing to receive any information that purports to the origin of the virus," Ryan said, stressing that this was "a very important piece of public health information for future control.

"If that data and evidence is available, then it will be for the United States government to decide whether and when it can be shared, but it is difficult for the WHO to operate in an information vacuum in that regard," he added.

The UN agency also hails the fundraising efforts of a teleconference of world leaders to boost development of a coronavirus vaccine, but warns that the money raised would only cover part of the ongoing response against the pandemic saying "this virus will be with us for a long time".

(Source: Reuters)

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Risto Koivula
02.06.2021 15:08:40

WHO kiisti jo helmikuussa "Wuhanin-("bioase)laboratiorioteoria - EIKÄ SE SIIHEN OLE MYÖHEMMINKÄÄN SIIRTYNYT!


WHO refutes Wuhan lab claim about coronavirus origin

Tuesday, 09 February 2021 5:22 PM


World Health Organization (WHO) expert researcher Peter Ben Embarek speaks during a press conference to wrap up a visit by an international team of experts, in the city of Wuhan, in China's Hubei Province, on February 9, 2021. (Photo by AFP)

A team of experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) investigating the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic have dismissed a controversial theory that the virus leaked from a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

The WHO fact-finding mission, which has been in China over the past two weeks to probe the origins of the pandemic, announced during a media briefing on Tuesday that the possibility of the virus having leaked from a lab was “extremely unlikely” and did not require further study.

Peter Ben Embarek, the head of the WHO team, said Beijing had granted “full access” to all sites and personnel they had requested to conduct a comprehensive investigation.

The WHO fact-finding mission arrived in Wuhan last month and visited key sites, including the Huanan seafood market, the location of the first known cluster of infections, as well as the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which was said by some to have been the actual origin of the virus.

The institute and the Chinese government had already rejected the allegation.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the origin of the new coronavirus has been widely discussed online, and conspiracy theories have emerged around it.

The pandemic became a political tool at the hands of former US president Donald Trump, who routinely called the pathogen “the Wuhan virus.”

WHO, intel reject Trump, Pompeo’s claim COVID-19 came from Wuhan lab

The World Health Organization says the US had provided no evidence to support US President Donald Trump’s claim that the coronavirus originated in a Chinese lab.


Trump and his associates also claimed that there had been evidence that Beijing created the new coronavirus in the medical lab in the Chinese city, even though the US intelligence agencies said they had seen no such evidence.

The coronavirus pandemic has so far claimed the lives of nearly 2,341,000 people and infected well over 107,147,260 across the world.

Wuhan lab director says virus leak claims ‘pure fabrication’

The Wuhan Institute of Virology has dismissed US claims that the coronavirus may have leaked from there.

The WHO team also said there had been no indication of the transmission of the new coronavirus in Wuhan before December 2019, when the first official cases of COVID-19 were recorded.

“In trying to understand the picture of December 2019, we embarked on a very detailed and profound search for other cases that may have been missed, cases earlier on in 2019,” said Embarek.

“And the conclusion was we did not find evidence of large outbreaks that could be related to cases of COVID-19 prior to December 2019 in Wuhan or elsewhere,” he added.

Embarek also said the team had not identified an animal source and that the virus could have been circulating in other regions before it was identified in Wuhan.

Speaking alongside Embarek, head of China’s expert panel on the outbreak, Liang Wannian, also said that early data suggested that the coronavirus could have been circulating for “several weeks” before it was identified in Wuhan.

“This indicates the possibility of the missed reported circulation in other regions,” Liang said, adding that there was “no evidence” to suggest the virus had been spreading in Wuhan before December 2019.

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Risto Koivula
03.06.2021 00:28:22

WHO: Koronaa oli Italiassa ennen kuin siitä raportoitiin Kiinassa:


" Europe

WHO Revisits Puzzling COVID-Positive Blood Samples From Pre-Pandemic Italy in Origins Hunt

19:51 GMT 02.06. 2021

by Morgan Artyukhina


The World Health Organization’s initial investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic found little reason to believe the virus leaked from a Chinese biolab, but didn’t outright dismiss the idea, either. Nonetheless, anti-China figures have continued to push the theory as being equal in validity to others, like zoonotic transfer.

WHO scientists are taking a harder look at a set of blood tests taken in Italy in October 2019 that later tested positive for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

On Tuesday, WHO officials confirmed they were in contact with a group of scientists in Italy who published a shocking report last November revealing that several blood tests collected as part of a lung cancer screening program months before the first cases of COVID-19 were detected in Italy had mysteriously tested positive for antibodies the body produces to fight SARS-CoV-2.

Their report, published by the Italian National Cancer Institute in its magazine Tumori Journal, found that 111 of 959 samples in the trial showed the unique spike protein SARS-CoV-2 uses to infect cells in the human body were present in the patient’s blood, and that tests of other similar coronaviruses were negative. That would mean that the patients had contracted and recovered from COVID-19 by the time of the October blood tests, signaling that COVID-19 was circulating in northern Italy in September 2019 - six months before the first cases were detected in Milan in February 2020.

"The WHO asked us if we could share the biological material and if we could re-run the tests in an independent laboratory. We accepted," Giovanni Apolone, scientific director of the Milan Cancer Institute (INT), one of the institutions responsible for the November 2020 paper, told Reuters on Monday.

According to Reuters, both positive and negative samples have been sent to Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, to be re-tested.

Apolone stressed that "none of the studies published so far have ever questioned the geographical origin," but likely indicate a less lethal variant of the virus has been in circulation for some time since the slew of deadlier, more virulent cases attracted medical attention in the Chinese city of Wuhan in the final days of 2019.

By February 21, 2020, the first case of COVID-19 in Europe was detected in Milan, Italy, and the city became the epicenter of Italy’s outbreak. Italy suffered the worst of the first wave of the pandemic in Europe, with a death rate as high as 7.2% - twice the death rate reported in Hubei Province, where the outbreak was first recor-ded. However, there are indications the pandemic in Italy was even worse in 2020 than reported, according to an Italian study published in January.

However, even if a milder COVID-19 infection was circulating in China earlier in 2019, it would still seem to disprove the once-discredited theory, now revived by the Biden administration, that SARS-CoV-2 escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. As Sputnik has reported, the theory was spread by former US President Donald Trump and right-wing anti-China figures close to him in early 2020 as the pandemic spiraled out of control in the US and his administration began looking for someone else to blame for it.

Last week, WHO spokesperson Fadela Chaib told a United Nations briefing the agency was preparing a proposal on a second phase of its investigation into the origins of SARS-CoV-2, but she provided no specific timeline. The first phase, con-ducted in January and February and released in March,yielded no concrete results, but found a zoonotic exchange - that humans caught it from an infected animal - more likely than that the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab. They also suggested an international military sports tournament the city hosted in October 2019 be investigated as an additional possible vector.

Some scientists and political figures intent on pushing the “lab leak” theory have claimed Beijing denied the WHO scientists adequate access to data from the Wu-han virology lab, with more than a dozen US allies issuing a statement demanding openness, but scientists on the WHO team have pushed back, saying their efforts weren’t impeded by Chinese officials, and that the level of openness being deman-ded of China is one no Western country would accept if it were made of them.

Also last week,US President Joe Biden ordered an intelligence report on the origins of COVID-19, "including whether it emerged from human contact with an infected animal or from a laboratory accident,” to be delivered in 90 days. In response, the Global Times called for the US biolab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, to be investigated as well. "



Risto Koivula
03.06.2021 23:45:58

WHO: Koronaa oli Italiassa ennen kuin siitä raportoitiin Kiinassa:

Lainaus: riiviö, 03.06.2021 17:41:37, 405450

Sen vaan totean, että pitkät suorat lainaukset ilman mitään omaa kontribuutiota ovat aivan perseestä tällä foorumilla.

Linkki riittää mainiosti ja sitten se oma asia, jos sitä on ja jos sen osaa kirjottaa.

Tulipa sanotuksi. Helpotti. En ole täällä ollenkaan moderointitehtävissä.

RK: Linkit menee kiinni ja tunnusten taakse. Tätä asiaa on syytä voida seurata 10:nkin vuoden päästä.



Risto Koivula
04.06.2021 02:36:34



Sähköpostit paljastavat: Tutkija varoitti varhain Yhdysvaltain korona-asiantuntija Anthony Faucia, että virusta on mahdollisesti muokattu

Buzzfeedin julkaisemien sähköpostien perusteella Faucilla oli syytä pitää laboratoriovuotoa uskottavana vaihtoehtona koronaviruksen alkuperälle.


Anthony Fauci

Kansallisen allergia- ja infektiotautien instituutin pääjohtaja Anthony Fauci toimii Valkoisen talon korona-asiantuntijana.Stefani Reynolds / EPA

3.6. 16:46

Yhdysvaltalaisen tartuntatautien tutkimuslaitoksen johtaja lähetti Valkoisen talon ko-rona-asiantuntija Anthony Faucille tammikuun 2020 lopussa sähköpostin, jossa hän kertoi, että pieni osa koronaviruksen perimästä näyttää mahdollisesti muokatulta.

Asia selviää Faucin sähköposteista, jotka Buzzfeed-sivusto sai haltuunsa tietopyyn-nön kautta. Myös Washington Post (siirryt toiseen palveluun) on hankkinut Faucin sähköposteja itselleen.

Buzzfeed on ladannut yli 3 200 sivua sähköposteja nettiin kaikkien tarkasteltaviksi. (siirryt toiseen palveluun) Viestit ovat tammi-kesäkuulta 2020.

Fauci tyrmäsi julkisesti keväällä 2020 teorian siitä, että pandemian aiheuttanut Sars-Cov-2 -koronavirus olisi peräisin kiinalaisesta laboratoriosta.

Buzzfeedin saamien sähköpostien perusteella hänellä kuitenkin näytti olleen syytä pitää laboratoriovuotoa uskottavana vaihtoehtona viruksen alkuperälle.

Tutkijat kiinnittivät huomiota viruksen erityispiirteisiin

Immunologian ja mikrobiologian professori Kristian G. Andersen kirjoitti Faucille 31. tammikuuta 2020 lähettämässään sähköpostissa, että hän ja kolme kollegaa katsovat viruksen geeniperimän vaikuttavan epäjohdonmukaiselta evoluutioteoriaan liittyvien odotusten kannalta.

Hän toimii Scrippsin tutkimusinstituutin Andersen Labin johtajana.

– Viruksen epätavalliset erityispiirteet muodostavat todella pienen osan geeniperi-mästä (<0,1%), joten kaikkia sekvenssejä täytyy tarkastella hyvin tarkasti, jotta voi nähdä, että osa ominaisuuksista (mahdollisesti) näyttää muokatuilta, Andersen kirjoitti.

Andersen kertoi, että evoluutiopuussa virus näyttää täysin normaalilta ja se näyttäisi olevan peräisin lepakoista.

Andersen lisäsi, että asia vaati lisää analyyseja ja heidän mielipiteensä voivat vielä muuttua.

Lyhyessä vastausviestissään Fauci kiittää Andersenia ja sanoo, että keskustellaan pian puhelimitse. Hän ei tuonut tutkijoiden näkemystä julki.Screenshot%202023-03-01%20at%2006-34-59%

Andersen pitää nyt laboratoriovuotoa epätodennäköisenä

Myöhemmin professori Kristian G. Andersenin mielipide muuttui.

Hänen ryhmänsä julkaisi maaliskuussa 2020 Nature-lehdessä (siirryt toiseen palve-luun) tutkimuksen, jonka mukaan on epätodennäköistä, että Sars-Cov-2 on syntynyt Sarsin kaltaisen koronaviruksen muokkauksen tuloksena.

Huhtikuussa 2021 Andersen avasi Twitterissä näkemystään, miksi hän pitää labora-toriovuotoa epätodennäköisenä. Andersen kertoi, että he etsivät merkkejä viruksen muokkauksesta laboratoriossa, mutta eivät löytäneet siihen viittaavia todisteita.

Andersen sanoi, että jos laboratoriovuototeoria pitäisi paikkansa, se vaatisi suurta peittelyä ja valehtelua monilta arvostetuilta tutkijoilta Kiinassa ja muualla.

– Todistaako raportti varmasti, että laboratoriovuotoa ei tapahtunut? Ei todista. Tarkoittaako se, että meidän ei tulisi harkita laboratoriovuodon mahdollisuutta? Ei tarkoita. Sen sijaan rapotin johtopäätös on, että se on erittäin epätodennäköinen, koska muut hypoteesit ovat paljon todennäköisempiä, Andersen kirjoitti Twitterissä.

Lisäksi Andersen sanoi, että pandemian alkuperä vaatii lisää avoimia tutkimuksia. Hän arvioi, että ne todennäköisesti kestävät vuosia.

"Salaliittoteoria" kiinnosti Faucin pomoa

Yhdysvaltain terveysviraston NIH:n johtaja Francis Collins lähetti 16. huhtikuuta 2020 Faucille ja muutamalle muulle terveysviranomaiselle sähköpostin otsikolla "salaliitto kerää vauhtia".

Fauci toimii terveysviraston alaisen kansallisen allergia- ja infektiotautien instituutin pääjohtajana. Collins on Faucin pomo.

Collinsin viestissä oli linkki Mediaite-sivuston uutiseen, joka käsitteli Fox News-kanavalla käytyä keskustelua viruksen mahdollisesta karkaamisesta wuhanilaisesta laboratoriosta.

Collinsin viestin sisältö on mustattu Buzzfeedin saamista sähköposteista yllä mainittua linkkiä lukuunottamatta. Fauci vastasi Collinsille, mutta myös hänen vastauksensa on peitetty.

Wuhanilaislaboratorion kumppanilta kiitokset

Pari päivää myöhemmin, 18. huhtikuuta 2020, Fauci sai sähköpostin brittiläiseltä eläintieteilijältä Peter Daszakilta, joka johtaa EcoHealth Alliance -tutkimusjärjestöä.

Daszak kirjoitti haluavansa kiittää Faucia henkilökuntansa ja yhteistyötahojensa puo-lesta siitä, että Fauci oli julkisesti sanonut tieteellisen todistusaineiston tukevan sitä, että Covid-19 on tarttunut luonnollisella tavalla lepakoista ihmisiin eikä ole karannut Wuhanin virologisen instituutin laboratoriosta.


Suuri osa viestistä on peitetty. Lopuksi Daszak kehuu, että Faucin rohkeat kommentit auttavat kumoamaan väitteitä viruksen alkuperästä.

Fauci vastasi, että paljon kiitoksia ystävällisestä viestistäsi.

Daszakin johtama EcoHealth Alliance on tehnyt vuosia läheistä yhteistyötä Wuhanin virologisen instituutin kanssa koronavirusten tutkimuksessa.

Monet ihmiset kyselevät nyt Twitterissä Daszakilta, mitä viestin peitetyssä osassa sanottiin. Toiset syyttävät häntä murhaajaksi, koska he katsovat hänen olevan osasyyllinen pandemiaan.

Laboratorioalkuperä noussut vaihtoehdoksi viime aikoina (Valetta, pelkkää hörölöröä)

Fauci sanoi viime kuussa lainsäätäjille,että Yhdysvaltain terveysvirasto oli myöntänyt 600 000 dollarin apurahan Wuhanin virologiselle instituutille. Rahoitus oli ohjattu kiinalaislaboratoriolle juuri EcoHealth Alliancen kautta.

Viisivuotisen apurahan avulla oli tarkoitus tutkia koronavirusten tarttumista lepakois-ta ihmisiin, jotta tutkijat ymmärtäisivät paremmin 2000-luvun alkupuolen Sars-epidemiaa. Trumpin hallinto keskeytti rahoituksen viime vuonna.

Peter Daszak kertoi joulukuussa 2019 podcast-haastattelussa (siirryt toiseen palveluun), että koronaviruksia voi muokata melko helposti laboratoriossa.

Daszak kuului Maailman terveysjärjestö WHO:n tutkimusryhmään, joka yritti selvittää koronapandemian lähdettä Wuhanissa. Hän on myös jäsen tieteellisen Lancet-julkaisun ryhmässä, joka selvittää pandemian alkuperää.

Daszakia on arvosteltu eturistiriidasta kaksoisroolinsa vuoksi. Hän on kutsunut viruksen mahdollista karkaamista wuhanilaislaboratoriosta salaliittoteoriaksi.

Viruksen mahdollinen laboratorioalkuperä on noussut varteen otettavaksi vaihtoehdoksi viime aikoina.

Wall Street Journal -lehti (siirryt toiseen palveluun) uutisoi toukokuussa, että kolme Wuhanin virologisen instituutin työntekijää joutui marraskuussa 2019 sairaalaan, koska heillä oli koronatartuntaan viittaavia oireita.

Fauci kannattaa lisätutkimuksia

Anthony Fauci sanoi toukokuussa senaatille, että hän ja suurin osa tieteellisestä yhteisöstä pitää todennäköisimpänä skenaariona, että Sars-Cov-2 on peräisin luonnosta, mutta kukaan ei voi olla siitä täysin varma.

CNN:n mukaan (siirryt toiseen palveluun) Fauci sanoi haastattelussa, että hän ei ole vakuuttunut siitä, että virus olisi syntynyt luonnollisesti. Fauci sanoi kannattavansa tutkimusta siitä, mitä Kiinassa tapahtui.

Presidentti Joe Biden on määrännyt Yhdysvaltain tiedustelupalvelut selvittämään, pääsikö virus karkuun kiinalaisesta laboratoriosta.

Asian selvittämistä hankaloittaa se, että Kiina ei ole suostunut avoimeen kansainväli-seen tutkintaan. Kiina on kiistänyt viruksen karkaamisen laboratoriosta ja on kutsunut väitettä salaliittoteoriaksi.

Lue lisää:

Yhdysvallat rahoitti virustutkimusta wuhanilaisessa laboratoriossa – osa republikaaneista vaatii nyt korona-asiantuntija Anthony Faucin eroa

Jani Kaaron kolumni: Entäpä jos koronavirus onkin laboratoriokarkulainen Wuhanin viruslaboratoriosta? (täyttä paskaa)



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" Controversial Coronavirus Lab Origin Claims Dismissed By Experts

Jun 7, 2020,03:42pm EDT


Wuhan Institute of Virology is one of China's leading research centres and has been the subject of ... [+]

AFP via Getty Images

June 8: This article has been substantially updated to reflect criticism of the published study, along with the general scientific consensus on Covid-19. It also clarifies Sørensen’s financial interest in the development of the Biovacc-19 coronavirus vaccine. This context did not appear in the original post. June 10: Updated with additional comment from Gunnveig Grødeland.

New claims that the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was engineered have been dismissed by scientific and intelligence experts.
The authors of a British-Norwegian vaccine study—accepted by the Quarterly Review of Biophysics — claim that the coronavirus's spike protein contains sequences that appear to be artificially inserted.
In their paper, the Norwegian scientist Birger Sørensen and British oncologist Angus Dalgleish claim to have identified "inserted sections placed on the SARS-CoV-2 spike surface" that explains how the virus interacts with cells in the human body. Virologists, however, note that similar sections appear naturally in other viruses.
Accidental release claims challenged

Sir Richard Dearlove, who was head of MI6 from 1999 to 2004, told the Daily Telegraph that Sørensen and Dalgleish’s research shows that the pandemic may have started at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. He added that he thought it unlikely to have been released deliberately, but that China had clearly tried to cover up the release.

However, intelligence sources from Britain’s MI5 dismissed the idea as “rumor and conspiracy,” according to the Times of London. Dearlove was previously criticized in the Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq War for promoting “flawed intelligence.”

Since the coronavirus took hold in the United States, senior officials in the Trump administration have amplified rumors that the virus emerged from a virology lab in Wuhan. However, public health researchers have traced the earliest recorded cases of the virus to an animal market in the city.

Management at the Wuhan Institute of Virology have previously told Chinese state television that such claims were “total fabrication” and that the lab had not encountered SARS-CoV-2 until samples from patients with an then unidentified pneumonia-like disease were referred to them in December.

Scientific claims questioned

Sørensen and Dalgleish’s work contradicts the international scientific consensus that although the coronavirus pandemic originated in Wuhan, there is no evidence that it had been artificially engineered.

An analysis of the first 41 Covid-19 patients published in medical journal the Lancet found that in 27 cases, there had been direct exposure to the Wuhan market, although not with the first known case. The World Health Organization has since released guidance to those working in and visiting such markets, to reduce animal-human transmission of emerging pathogens.

The report’s authors also claim the lack of mutation in the virus since its discovery, suggests it was already fully adapted to humans. However, there have been several published studies noting evolution and mutation among SARS-CoV-2 strains. 

Sørensen told Norwegian broadcaster NRK that the virus has properties that differ greatly from SARS, another coronavirus, and have never been detected in nature. He claimed that China and the United States have collaborated for many years on coronavirus research through "gain of function" studies, in which the pathogenicity or transmissibility of potential pandemic pathogens can be enhanced in order to understand them better.

Examples found in other viruses

Gunnveig Grødeland, vaccine researcher at the University of Oslo, is one of the scientists voicing their disagreement with Sørensen. She explains that what Sørensen referred to as "inserted sequences" can enable the development of a more serious disease, but this is not unusual in nature: "Examples can be found in other viruses including subtypes of influenza (including "bird flu"), HIV, and several human coronaviruses (MERS, OC43, HKU1)." Grødeland also says that Sørensen's paper offered no biological confirmation on the relevance of positively charged patches.

Other leading voices in the scientific community and fight against the pandemic have dismissed claims that the coronavirus was man-made. Anthony Fauci, director of U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has stated there is no scientific evidence for the claims, while leading researchers from the World Health Organization and Galveston National Laboratory also dismissed the rumours.

The report was allegedly previously rejected

The Telegraph claimed that the study was initially rejected by several academic journals, including "Nature" and "Journal of Virology," which indicates they considered the article unsuitable for publication. Sørensen claimed the original study tied the vaccine development to the origin research, and that they have since split the research. He claimed a second study with more details on the origin of the virus will be published soon.

The report published in the Quarterly Review of Biophysics explains the rationale for the development of Biovacc-19, a candidate vaccine for COVID-19 that is now in advanced preclinical development. Sørensen has a financial interest in Immunor, the Norwegian company  behind the vaccine.

No, COVID-19 Coronavirus Was Not Bioengineered. Here’s The Research That Debunks That Idea (Forbes)

Fauci, Top U.S. General Throw Cold Water On Trump’s Coronavirus Claim (Forbes)

The Controversial Rumor COVID-19 Originated In A Wuhan Lab Creeps Into The GOP Mainstream (Forbes)

A Timeline Of The COVID-19 Wuhan Lab Origin Theory (Forbes)

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Haistapaskantiede-Birger Sørensenin "todistus":


Norsk forsker skaper strid om virusets opphav: – Dette viruset har ikke en naturlig opprinnelse

Sekvenser i koronavirusets overflate viser at det ikke kommer fra naturen, men trolig er utviklet av kinesiske og amerikanske forskere. Det mener den norske vaksineforskeren Birger Sørensen. Han får støtte av britenes tidligere spionsjef.


IKKE NATURLIG: Vaksineforsker Birger Sørensen mener viruset SARS-CoV-2 ikke kommer fra naturen. Bildet er fra 2009. Foto: Støtvig Alf Øystein

Peter Svaar Journalist

Artikkelen er mer enn to år gammel.

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Rettelse: I en tidligere versjon av saken stod det at studien påviser at sekvenser i koronavirusets spike-protein ser ut til å være kunstig satt inn. Denne konklusjonen er bestridt av norske forskere, og omtales heller ikke i forskningsartikkelen. Denne påstanden var basert på uttalelser fra Sørensen til NRK. Saken burde hatt flere relevante kilder som vurderte Sørensens uttalelser og forskning. Dette har NRK nå publisert i en egen sak.


NRK skrev at studien som omtales i denne saken var publisert i det anerkjente tidsskriftet Quarterly Review of Biophysics. Det riktige er at studien ble publisert i QRB Discovery, som er en nyetablert søster-publikasjon.

Det fremgikk ikke av den opprinnelige saken at studien skal publiseres i to forskningsartikler, hvorav kun den ene så langt er publisert. Ifølge forsker Birger Sørensen omhandler den første forskningsartikkelen vaksineutvikling, mens den andre omhandler virusets opphav.

Artikkelen er oppdatert med en kommentar fra John Fredrik Moxnes, og med forbehold om forskernes funn.

I en fersk studie publisert i tidsskriftet QRB Discovery skriver den britiske professoren Angus Dalgleish og den norske forskeren Birger Sørensen om det såkalte spike-proteinet i koronaviruset. Ifølge forskerne kan sekvenser i dette proteinet tyde på at viruset ikke har et naturlig opphav.

INSERTS: Dette er sekvensene Sørensen mener peker mot at viruset ikke har naturlig opphav. Sekvensene ble først beskrevet av kinesiske forskere.


Foto: Faksimile / QRB Discovery Quarterly

Forskerduoen påpeker også at viruset nesten ikke har mutert siden det begynte å smitte mellom mennesker, noe som tyder på at det allerede var ferdig tilpasset mennesker. Dette er ifølge Sørensen helt uvanlig for virus som krysser artsbarrierer.

Ifølge Sørensen har viruset egenskaper som skiller seg kraftig fra SARS, og som aldri tidligere er påvist i naturen.

– Når vi teknisk beskriver viruset så ser vi jo at det ikke har blitt til ved en naturlig utvikling. Det er gjort av amerikanere og kinesere, som del av det som heter «gain of function»-studier. Det gjøres over hele verden. Man sier man ikke gjør det, men det skjer hele tiden på avanserte laboratorier, ifølge Sørensen.

Kina og USA har i mange år samarbeidet om forskning på koronavirus. I såkalte gain of function-forsøk øker man virusets smittsomhet på en kunstig måte, for å gjøre viruset enklere å bruke i vitenskapelige eksperimenter. Slike manipulerte virus kalles «chimera».


Britisk spionsjef: – Et labuhell

De siste dagene har Sørensens funn skapt heftig debatt i britisk presse.

Sir Richard Dearlove, som var sjef for den britiske utenlandsetterretningen MI6 fra 1999 til 2004, sier til avisen Daily Telegraph at arbeidet til forskerduoen viser at pandemien som lammer verden kan ha startet i et laboratorium.


ET LABUHELL: Britenes tidligere spionsjef Sir Richard Dearlove tror koronaviruset slapp ut fra en lab, og viser til arbeidet Birger Sørensen har gjort.

Foto: Håvard Blekastad Almås / NRK

– Jeg tror dette startet som et uhell. Dermed reises spørsmålet om Kina kommer til å påta seg ansvar, og om Kina skal betale erstatning. Jeg tror dette vil få alle land til å tenke gjennom sitt forhold til Kina og hvordan de forholder seg til Kinas lederskap, sier Dearlove til avisen.


En talsmann for Downing Street svarer imidlertid på Dearloves utspill med at det idag ikke finnes noen bevis for at koronaviruset er menneskeskapt.

I flere måneder har det versert påstander om at viruset kan ha lekket ut fra laboratoriet til det virulogiske instituttet i Wuhan, ett av Kinas mest avanserte viruslaboratorier.

Påstandene tilbakevises fullstendig av instituttledelsen, som hevder laboratoriet aldri har vært i besittelse av virus som i det hele tatt ligner på SARS-CoV-2.

– Dette er ren fabrikasjon. Vårt institutt mottok de første kliniske prøvene med dette viruset 30. desember, sier instituttsjef Wang Yanyi til den kinesiske statlige TV-stasjonen CGTN.


Wuhans virologiske institutt er ett av Kinas mest avanserte viruslaboratorier med den høyeste sikkerhetsklassifiseringen, såkalt P4.


Kina har fremdeles ikke identifisert indeks-pasienten, eller det nøyaktige stedet der utbruddet startet. Kinesisk CDC har gjort undersøkelser av de første smittede rundt fiskemarkedet i Wuhan som tyder på at smitten ikke oppstod der.

Sørensen mener imidlertid det er kinesiske forskere som først har omtalt de modifiserte sekvensene i virusoverflaten. Men de siste måndene mener han Kina har lagt lokk på alle slike studier.

– De innsatte sekvensene skulle aldri vært publisert. Hadde det vært idag, ville det aldri skjedd. Det var en stor feil kineserne gjorde. De innsatte sekvensene har en funksjonalitet som vi beskriver. Vi forklarer hvorfor de er vesentlige. Men kineserne pekte på dem først, sier Sørensen.

I studien takker Sørensen sjefsforsker John Fredrik Moxnes ved Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt (FFI) for «uvurderlig hjelp» i arbeidet.


Moxnes sier han har brukt sin kunnskap om regnekraft til å samarbeide med Sørensen og hans firma Immunor i vaksineutvikling.

– Moderne vaksineutvikling dreier seg om regnekraft og bioteknologi som det er viktig at Norge er delaktig i, sier Moxnes til NRK.

Tror ikke vaksinekandidater vil virke

Sørensen tror de nåværende vaksinekandidatene vil ha stor risiko for bivirkninger, fordi de sikter mot virusets såkalte spike-protein, der 80% av arvestoffet er såkalte human-likt.

– 78.4% av epitopene i spike-proteinet er identisk med oss som mennesker. Og konsekvensen av det er at det er 78.4% sannsynlighet for å få bivirkning i en eller annen form av vaksiner som retter seg inn mot dette proteinet.

Vaksineforsøk mot virus som Dengue-feber og HIV har vist betydelig risiko for at vaksinene faktisk kan føre til mer alvorlig sykdom, gjennom en prosess som kalles antistoff-avhengig forsterkning (ADE).

Sørensen jobber nå med å utvikle en egen vaksinekandidat kalt Biovacc-19, som sikter seg inn mot de 20% av virus-arvestoffet som ikke deles av mennesker.

Det har imidlertid vært liten norsk interesse for å finansiere et vaksineforsøk her til lands.

– Vi deltar ikke i det store spillet rundt å være først til mål. Det vi har laget er en vaksinekandidat som er grunnleggende forskjellig fra alle andre. De beste vaksinene vil uansett bli finansiert og vinne frem, sier Sørensen.



" Scientific papers on the origins of SARS-CoV-2

Here is a list of papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals on the origins of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Science. The Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan was the early epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic. By Michael Worobey et al. July 26, 2022.

Science. The molecular epidemiology of multiple zoonotic origins of SARS-CoV-2. By Jonathan E. Pekar et al. July 26, 2022.

Nature. Wuhan market was epicentre of pandemic’s start, studies suggest. By Amy Maxmen. February 27, 2022.

Zenodo. The Huanan market was the epicenter of SARS-CoV-2 emergence. Michael Worobey et al. February 26, 2022.

Zenodo. SARS-CoV-2 emergence very likely resulted from at least two zoonotic events. Jonathan Pekar et al. February 26, 2022.

Nature Portfolio. Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in the environment and animal samples of the Huanan Seafood Market. George Gao et al. February 25, 2022.

Nature Portfolio. Coronaviruses with a SARS-CoV-2-like receptor-binding domain allowing ACE2-mediated entry into human cells isolated from bats of Indochinese peninsula. Sarah Temmam et al. September 17, 2021. Under review.

Nature.Origins of SARS-CoV-2: window is closing for key scientific studies. August 25, 2021.

Cell. The Origins of SARS-CoV-2: A Critical Review (pre-proof). Edward C. Holmes et al. August 20, 2021.

Science. The animal origin of SARS-CoV-2. Spyros Lytras,Wei Xia,Joseph Hughes,Xiaowei Jiang andDavid L. Robertson. August 17, 2021.

mBio. Can Science Help Resolve the Controversy on the Origins of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic? Arturo Arturo Casadevall, Susan R. Weiss and Michael Imperiale. August 2, 2021.

Independent Science News. Phylogeographic Mapping of Newly Discovered Coronaviruses Pinpoints the Direct Progenitor of SARS-CoV-2 as Originating from Mojiang, China. Jonathan Latham and Allison Wilson. August 2, 2021.

Frontiers in Public Health. Lethal Pneumonia Cases in Mojiang Miners (2012) and the Mineshaft Could Provide Important Clues to the Origin of SARS-CoV-2. Alex C. Speciale. July 13, 2021.

Medium. A response to “The Origins of SARS-CoV-2: A Critical Review.” Alina Chan. July 12, 2021.

Nature Scientific Reports. In silico comparison of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-ACE2 binding affinities across species and implications for virus origin. Sakshi Piplani, Puneet Kumar Singh, David A. Winkler, Nikolai Petrovsky. June 24, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-92388-5

bioRxiv. Recovery of deleted deep sequencing data sheds more light on the early Wuhan SARS-CoV-2 epidemic. Jesse Bloom. June 22, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.06.18.449051

In Vivo. On the Origin of SARS-CoV-2: Did Cell Culture Experiments Lead to Increased Virulence of the Progenitor Virus for Humans? Bernd Kaina. May 2021, 35 (3) 1313-1326; DOI: https://doi.org/10.21873/invivo.12384

Infectious Diseases & Immunity. Origins of SARS-CoV-2: Focusing on Science. Zhengli Shi. April 2021 – Volume 1, Issue 1, p.3-4 doi: 10.1097/ID9.0000000000000008

Environmental Chemistry Letters. Should we discount the laboratory origin of COVID-19? Rossana Segreto, Yuri Deigin, Kevin McCairn, Alejandro Sousa, Dan Sirotkin, Karl Sirotkin, Jonathan J. Couey, Adrian Jones & Daoyu Zhang. March 25, 2021.

Environmental Chemistry Letters. Tracing the origins of SARS-COV-2 in coronavirus phylogenies: a review. Erwan Sallard, José Halloy, Didier Casane, Etienne Decroly and Jacques van Helden. February 4, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10311-020-01151-1

Zenodo. A Bayesian analysis concludes beyond a reasonable doubt that SARS-CoV-2 is not a natural zoonosis but instead is laboratory derived. Dr. Steven Quay. January 29, 2021.

Nature. Addendum: A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin. Peng Zhou, Xing-Lou Yang, Xian-Guang Wang, Ben Hu,…and Zheng-Li Shi. November 17, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2951-z

BioEssays. The genetic structure of SARS‐CoV‐2 does not rule out a laboratory origin. Rossana Segreto and Yuri Deigin. November 17, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1002/bies.202000240

Zenodo. Where Did the 2019 Coronavirus Pandemic Begin and How Did it Spread? The People’s Liberation Army Hospital in Wuhan China and Line 2 of the Wuhan Metro System Are Compelling Answers. Steven Carl Quay. October 28, 2020. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4119262

Frontiers in Public Health. Lethal pneumonia cases in Mojiang miners (2012) and the mineshaft could provide important clues to the origin of SARS-CoV-2. Monali Rahalkar and Rahul Bahulikar. September 17, 2020. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.581569

Journal of Medical Virology. Questions concerning the proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2. Murat Seyran, Damiano Pizzol, Parise Adadi…and Adam M. Brufsky. September 3, 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/jmv.26478

BioEssays. Might SARS‐CoV‐2 have arisen via serial passage through an animal host or cell culture? Karl Sirotkin and Dan Sirotkin. August 12, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1002/bies.202000091

bioRxiv. SARS-CoV-2 is well adapted for humans. What does this mean for re-emergence? Shing Hei Zhan, Benjamin E. Deverman, Yujia Alina Chan. May 2, 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.05.01.073262

Nature Medicine. The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2. Kristian G. Andersen, Andrew Rambaut, W. Ian Lipkin, Edward C. Holmes, Robert F. Garry. April 2020. Volume 26, pages 450-455.

Antiviral Research. The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade. Bruno Coutard et al. February 10, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2020.104742

Nature. A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin. Peng Zhou, Xing-Lou Yang, Xian-Guang Wang, Ben Hu,…and Zheng-Li Shi. February 3, 2020. 579(7798): 270-273. doi:10.1038/s41586-020-2012-7

Preprint. The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus. Botao Xiao. February 2020. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21799.29601

The Lancet. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. Chaolin Huang et al. January 30, 2020. Volume 395: 497–506.

Scientific Reports. Animal sales from Wuhan wet markets immediately prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Xiao Xiao et al. June 7, 2021. Sci Rep 11, 11898 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-91470-2

Minerva. The evidence which suggests that this is no naturally evolved virus: A reconstructed historical aetiology of the SARS-CoV-2 spike. Birger Sørensen, Angus Dalgleish & Andres Susrud. July 1, 2020.

ResearchGate. Is considering a genetic-manipulation origin for SARS-CoV-2 a conspiracy theory that must be censored? Rossana Segreto and Yuri Deigin. April 2020. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31358.13129/1

Preprints. Major concerns on the identification of bat coronavirus strain RaTG13 and quality of related Nature paper. Xiaoxu Lin, Shizhong Chen. June 5, 2020. 2020060044. doi: 10.20944/preprints202006.0044.v1

Preprints. The abnormal nature of the fecal swab sample used for NGS analysis of RaTG13 genome sequence imposes a question on the correctness of the RaTG13 sequence. Monali Rahalkar and Rahul Bahulikar. August 11, 2020. doi: 10.20944/preprints202008.0205.v1

OSF Preprints. COVID-19, SARS and bats coronaviruses genomes unexpected exogeneous RNA sequences. Jean-Claude Perez and Luc Montagnier. April 25, 2020. doi:10.31219/osf.io/d9e5g

Zenodo. HIV man-manipulated coronavirus genome evolution trends. Jean-Claude Perez and Luc Montagnier. August 2, 2020.

Emerging Microbes & Infections. HIV-1 did not contribute to the 2019-nCoV genome. Xiao Chuan, Li Xiaojun, Liu Shuying, Sang Yongming, Gao Shou-Jiang and Gao Feng. 2020. 9(1): 378-381. doi: 10.1080/22221751.2020.1727299

Nature. Identifying SARS-CoV-2-related coronaviruses in Malayan pangolins. Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam, Na Jia, Ya-Wei Zhang, Marcus Ho-Hin Shum, Jia-Fu Jiang, Hua-Chen Zhu, Yi-Gang Tong, Yong-Xia Shi, Xue-Bing Ni, Yun-Shi Liao, Wen-Juan Li, Bao-Gui Jiang, Wei Wei, Ting-Ting Yuan, Kui Zheng, Xiao-Ming Cui, Jie Li, Guang-Qian Pei, Xin Qiang, William Yiu-Man Cheung, Lian-Feng Li, Fang-Fang Sun, Si Qin, Ji-Cheng Huang, Gabriel M. Leung, Edward C. Holmes, Yan-Ling Hu, Yi Guan & Wu-Chun Cao. March 26, 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2169-0

PLoS Pathogens. Are pangolins the intermediate host of the 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)? Ping Liu, Jing-Zhe Jiang, Xiu-Feng Wan, Yan Hua, Linmiao Li, Jiabin Zhou, Xiaohu Wang, Fanghui Hou, Jing Chen, Jiejian Zou, Jinping Chen. May 14, 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1008421

Nature. Isolation of SARS-CoV-2-related coronavirus from Malayan pangolins. Kangpeng Xiao, Junqiong Zhai, Yaoyu Feng, Niu Zhou, Xu Zhang, Jie-Jian Zou, Na Li, Yaqiong Guo, Xiaobing Li, Xuejuan Shen, Zhipeng Zhang, Fanfan Shu, Wanyi Huang, Yu Li, Ziding Zhang, Rui-Ai Chen, Ya-Jiang Wu, Shi-Ming Peng, Mian Huang, Wei-Jun Xie, Qin-Hui Cai, Fang-Hui Hou, Wu Chen, Lihua Xiao & Yongyi She. May 7, 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2313-x

Current Biology. Probable Pangolin Origin of SARS-CoV-2 Associated with the COVID-19 Outbreak. Tao Zhang, Qunfu Wu, Zhigang Zhang. March 19, 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2020.03.022

bioRxiv. Single source of pangolin CoVs with a near identical Spike RBD to SARS-CoV-2. Yujia Alina Chan and Shing Hei Zhan. October 23, 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.07.07.184374

Infection, Genetics and Evolution. COVID-19: Time to exonerate the pangolin from the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 to humans. Roger Frutos, Jordi Serra-Cobo, Tianmu Chen and Christian A. Devaux. Volume 84, October 2020, 104493. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meegid.2020.104493

bioRxiv. No evidence of coronaviruses or other potentially zoonotic viruses in Sunda pangolins (Manis javanica) entering the wildlife trade via Malaysia. Jimmy Lee, Tom Hughes, Mei-Ho Lee, Hume Field, Jeffrine Japning Rovie-Ryan, Frankie Thomas Sitam, Symphorosa Sipangkui, Senthilvel K.S.S. Nathan, Diana Ramirez, Subbiah Vijay Kumar, Helen Lasimbang, Jonathan H. Epstein, Peter Daszak. June 19, 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.19.158717

Cell. A genomic perspective on the origin and emergence of SARS-CoV-2. Yong-Zhen Zhang, Edward C. Holmes. April 2020 181(2):223-227. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.03.035.

Current Biology. A novel bat coronavirus closely related to SARS-CoV-2 contains natural insertions at the S1/S2 cleavage site of the spike protein. Hong Zhou, Xing Chen, Tao Hu, Juan Li, Hao Song, Yanran Liu, Peihan Wang, Di Liu, Jing Yang, Edward C. Holmes, Alice C. Hughes, Yuhai Bi, and Weifeng Shi. June 8, 2020. 30: 2196-2203. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2020.05.023

aRxiv. The bat coronavirus RmYN02 is characterized by a 6-nucleotide deletion at the S1/S2 junction, and its claimed PAA insertion is highly doubtful. Yuri Deigin and Rossana Segreto. December 1, 2020.

Zenodo. Unusual features of the SARS-CoV-2 genome suggesting sophisticated laboratory modification rather than natural evolution and delineation of its probable synthetic route. Li-Meng Yan, Shu Kang, Jie Guan, and Shanchang Hu. September 14, 2020. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4028829

Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. In Response: Yan et al Preprint Examinations of the Origin of SARS-CoV-2. Kelsey Lane Warmbrod, Rachel M. West, Nancy D. Connell and Gigi Kwik Gronvall. September 21, 2020.

Zenodo. Proposed SARS-CoV-2 Spillover During 2019 Review of Samples from a Mineshaft in Mojiang, Yunnan Province, China. Anonymous. September 14, 2020. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4029544

ResearchGate. An investigation into the WIV databases that were taken offline. Billy Bostickson et al. February 2021.

ResearchGate. Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co. Rodolphe de Maistre, Gilles Demaneuf and Billy Bostickson. March 2021.

Zenodo. 1. Proposed Forensic Investigation of Wuhan Laboratories. Billy Bostickson and Yvette Ghannam. March 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4640383

ResearchGate. 2. Investigation of RaTG13 and the 7896 Clade. Billy Bostickson and Yvette Ghannam. March 2021. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22382.33607

ResearchGate. 3. Wuhan Laboratories, Bat Research and Biosafety. Billy Bostickson and Yvette Ghannam. April 2021. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32006.29761



Hesari-tyhmentymän Aamukakka-lehtikin lopulta ottaa lusikan kauniiseen käteen, että todisteet koroviruksen luonnollisesta alkuperästä ovat ehdottomat, eikä Dalgleishin ja Sörensenin eikä muitakaan "keinotekoituusteorioita" enää selvitellä. Lainaus jutusta:

" *** Toki on myös muita teorioita. Esimerkiksi se, että karkuun päässyt virus olisi itse valmistettu kiinalaislaboratoriossa. Kiinassa taas on esitetty, että virus olisi valmistettu eräässä Yhdysvalloissa sijaitsevassa biolaboratoriossa. Nämä salaliittoteoriat voidaan jättää huomioimatta. *** "

Nyt vaaditaan tutkittavaksi viruksen etenemisREITTIÄ luonnosta ihmiskunnan pandemiaksi. Siinä asiassa pelataan tiedolla, jota ei voida ehdottomasti todistaa todeksi tai epätodeksi kuten itse viruksen alkuperä. Jotkut trooppiset lepakot vaivat lentää vaikka maapallom ympäri monsuunituulten mukana ja tartuttaa viruksiaan myös aivan muihin nisäkäsryhmiin.


" Vieläkin kiistellään, mistä miljoonia tappanut koronapandemia sai alkunsa – Tällä hetkellä vastakkain ovat nämä kaksi teoriaa

Koronaviruksen aiheuttama covid-19-tauti julistettiin pandemiaksi kolme vuotta sitten, mutta vieläkin kiistellään siitä, mistä miljoonia ihmisiä surmannut virus sai alkunsa.


Japanissa maanantaista alkaen maskia ei ole tarvinnut enää käyttää esimerkiksi julkisissa liikennevälineissä muutoin kuin ruuhka-aikoina. Moni jatkoi maskin käyttöä siitä huolimatta myös kadulla. Kuva: Kim Kyung Koon / Reuters

